Manage Mendix account

Hi, I am wondering how I should manage my Mendix account within the following context and goals: I am a freelancer who has own business but also contribute to the client’s projects. So I work in different Mendix partner spaces parallel. Therefore I would like to have my own account and use it in client projects, since for example, I would like to collect experience points on one account. However this account can be set only as an “external account” in the client’s space which has not access to the client private assets (module, widget, etc). At least, as far as I know, this external account could not be configured to use them. But maybe I am wrong.   I would be grateful for any help guiding me in this context in order to work with my own account in a client space as an internal account. Thanks in advance!   br, Istvan  
2 answers

My own account is being added to the project, so I can earn the point. And whenever I need something from the private store of the client, I log in with the account I gained from the client or I ask a teammember to download it in the project. There is also the Control Center, but I don't know if adding your own account to the Control Center of the company will give you access to their private Marketplace.


Hi, I always use my own account when working for customers.

It is possible to share private marketplace content with a “group” structure.

You will not be able to upload your items to the company private workplace with your own account, but you can use and download
everything from the marketplace that is added to the group.

Furthermore will apps you create be created under your own company. But it is possible to move these apps to the company of your

So almost everything is possible with your own account, except for uploading items to the private company appstore.
Hope this helps!
