Difference in performance in Mendix Sandbox

Hi, I’ve noticed a pretty big variance in performance of my Sandbox environment. Below is an example, but I’ve encountered similar things in the past: Yesterday I was doing some testing of a new flow in my app. When clicking a button, a new object is created, which triggers a few subflows that create child objects that are connected to this main object. Once this all finishes a page is opened with a relatively complex UI.  Locally the performance of this button click & page loading is very fast (< 50-100 ms).  After deploying the new functionality to the Sandbox and testing there, the performance was incredibly slow (3-6 seconds). However, today this was different. The sandbox has been running for an hour or so, while I was testing a few other things. But then when testing this new button again, the performance is OK (1-2 seconds).  I have made no changes to the flow... What could the difference be between the 3-6 second performance yesterday and the 1-2 second performance today? My assumptions of what it could be: Sandbox environments are a little slower when they have just been redeployed / restarted? Sandbox environments are shared and therefore their performance can vary due to peak / off-peak hours of the day?   Or could it be something else?
2 answers

The logical answer would be the fact that the database tenancy is shared, so other apps might influence the performance of your app during peak hours I’d assume.

To test this you could create a long running function that does not have lots of db interactions, this should not be influenced in the same way for the assumption on the cause being the shared resources of the db to be correct.


Thanks, given that this flow has quite a few database interactions, that makes sense & is probably the case. If I have some additional time I might try what you suggest to test it, but just wanted to check if I was missing anything else.
