Windows Phone 8 - Phonegap - redirect after login

I'm trying to setup a phonegap based Windows Phone 8 app (for barcode scaning purposes) for a Mendix 5.21.2 environemnt. I've done the same for iOS and all works fine there. If I launch the app (Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 > simulator) I get to the login form with Mobile login widgets. Then when I succesfully login (wrong details show error ofcourse) I get rerouted and the app shows; "We're having trouble displaying this page..". The Visual Studio console shows the following message; "CordovaBrowser_NavigationFailed :: /www/www/index.html" Has anyone else been able to succesfully load a Mendix app in a Window Phone 8.x (phonegap based) app and perhaps seen the same behavior?
1 answers

Issue has been raised and accepted by support.
