Admin created questions and types are master entities. So need similar entity to hold user question and answer associate to user. Associate account or any user specific entity to run time questions entity.
Better to user question numbers to sort and display. Use List view to display the questions upon loading list view need a data view to store answer either as new entity or in the same question object. You an use non perstistable objects also in this case . On loading of list view retrieve master questions and create new entities based on master data.
On save use this runtime data to create entities which associated to user.
Hope this helps!
And do check the marketplace. There is a module there you could use: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/234
HI Narayana thanks for your answer.Can you please provide me some more information.How to save the question and associated answer and show the filled form to user as i’m using dynamic form not static form.Im showing questions to user as below.
Hope u got my question.
Use JSON Schema to JSON Form widget https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/207872