Please need assistance.

Hello, How to create separate user account in a app here i am facing a problem like I am building an e_commerce App and adding some product in my cart for a particular user, but the problem is when i am creating a new user in that app then the same  cart data is showing for all the users. This problem is happening not only for cart data but also for all datas . Here all users can see the same data how to make separate account for all users. please need support.
2 answers

Hey Umesh!

I think I will need more information to give you a good solution.

How do you link the cart to a particular user exactly?

One way of making separate accounts is just creating a non persistable entity to collect all the data from a form to create the account inside a microflow. I don’t know if you are doing that currently.


If you could give me more details about your problem I would appreciate it!



You will need to look at using XPath to constrain the data to specific users. 

It’s quite a big area, so I’d recommend you look at the Mendix Academy where they go into this in depth. Section 9 of the Crash Course is a good start, in particular 9.7.
