Deleting Non-Persistant objects

How can I delete these on the client ? Request state size of 402 objects exceeds the threshold of 100 objects. Request details: type 'RequestHandlingUtilImpl$' in session 'ea5e6b2b-658d-4837-9a1c-8d5b9f12707a'. State consists of:   * RESTInterface.CalendarDonut (NPE): 60 objects  * RESTInterface.Day (NPE): 1 objects  * RESTInterface.DonutEntry (NPE): 186 objects  * RESTInterface.Entry (NPE): 143 objects  * RESTInterface.EntrySuggestion (NPE): 3 objects  * RESTInterface.Root (NPE): 5 objects  * TimeRegistration.DateNavigationHelper (NPE): 2 objects  * TimeRegistration.Statistics (NPE): 2 objects Using a microflow to retrieve and delete the objects does not work !!!! When I check the microflow via breakpoint, the retrieve will have an empty resultlist. This entity (DateNavigationHelper) is linked to a persistant entity (EXPAccount).  However they keep on existing on the client side. How can these be flushed/deleted. I understand from the documenation that these objects should be garbage collected when they are no longer used in a page, However this seems not to be the case. Even when swapping to other pages, the number of objects keep on increasing. Is there a way to flush them on the client by command ? Currently working with Mendix Studio Pro 9.9.1.    
2 answers

How is your navigation implemented?  If you’re not closing pages, it could be causing the client to keep the NPEs in memory.


Hi Chris, your states consists of multiple NPE's. The DateNavigationHelper you mention is only 2 objects of the 402. 

Do you store the ‘owner’ on these entities? Because that will associate them with $currentuser and keep them from being garbage collected.
