How to send any list item to bottom of list.

Hello all, I am new to Mendix and now working on a one project. In that requirement is when we mark any list item as completed that should be move to end of the list so the uncompleted list of items can be visible at top. So how can I do this. Please tell me step by step solution. Thank You.
2 answers

Hello Priyanka,

I suppose you have an entity with a boolean attribute ‘completed’:

  1. Add a new List view
  2. Select your entity
  3. Edit Sort order: Select ‘completed’ and ascending
  4. Fill the List view with content

All items with completed = true will be at the bottom of the list. Vice versa you could select descending to show them at the top.

Please select my answer as accepted if this helped you. Thank You.


If you are using a ListView or DataGrid, set the sort order so uncompleted items are at the top of the list.  Then when you complete an item, it will move to the bottom of the list.
