Docker Image Does Not Start - Unsafe Password

Hi all, I’m slowly making progress with running my application locally. I now encounter the following issue: ERROR - Core: Using password '1' for a user with administrator user roles is not allowed. The following admin users have password 1: [MxAdmin] ERROR: Executing start did not succeed: result: 5, message: Using password '1' for a user with administrator user roles is not allowed. The following admin users have password 1: [MxAdmin] WARNING: Unsafe password, please check your configuration for errors ERROR: Starting application failed: Application start failed How can I change this password? I have changed the password in my project security settings and removed the demo_users. I’ve also set the password differently in this run command: docker run -it \ -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=Password1! \ -e DATABASE_ENDPOINT=postgres://username:password@host:port/mendix \ mendix/mendix-buildpack:v1.2 Kind regards
2 answers

It appears that, because I was reusing my local database, the default MxAdmin user on the database caused the issue. Removing the user from the database (or using a clean database altogether) seems to solve the issue



Hi Team,

I am getting 'ERROR: Executing create_admin_user did not succeed: result: 4, message: Password is not safe, also use non-alphanumeric characters.' as an error. Do you have any solution for this?
