Fetch current user email ID

Hi Team,   I want to fetch current user email id in mendix but without creating any account in mendix in administrator module. It should fetch user’s company email address or any one which is currently in sign in state for users who is opening the application.  
1 answers

Big question is; where do your account originate from? As account aren't magically available, you need a kind of source

  1. You create them as local users in you app using the Account_Overview or alike
  2. Accounts are created as a result of a internal process of the app; i.e. when you add an employee to the app, the account is created based on the employee details
  3. As result of a SSO implementation the accounts are created according to the SSO rules/implementation.


In all scenarios you can easily determine the source of the email address

  1. Just type the email in the right text box
  2. When creating the account in the microflow, set the Employee/Emailaddress ass Account/EmailAddress
    (Though in this case if you need the email in an other process I would fetch the Employee/EmailAddress) 
  3. In the microflow which creates the Account set the Account/EmailAddress according to the SSO source


So; first answer the question “what is the source of your accounts” 
