HTTP ERROR 500 After error in decode and verify JWT action - OpenIDConnect

Hi everyone, I’m trying use the OpenIDConnect widget ( to have users login with their Spotify account. Everything works fine, except that I get an HTTP error 500 after login with my Spotify account and being redirected back to the application. The URL is the following:  http://localhost:8080/oauth/v2/callback?code=xxx (replaced the code info with xxx for readability)  The token infomation is saved in the application. I get the following error message in my log: Error occured while DecodeAndVerifyJWT. The error occurs in the flow "DecodeAndVerifyJWT”. Looking at the values of the required parameters, $Token/id_token is empty, unlike most other attributes of the token.   What am I doing wrong? Or maybe someone can explain to me what happens in this step, to help me understand what is going on? Thanks, Renze Marree
4 answers

Hello Renze,
I have the same issue with facebook login, did you find the solution?


Hi, the reason this error could occur is because of wrong OpenID provider configuration. Maybe it's wrongly imported. Try replacing "common" with your tenant-id in the endpoints.


Errorcode 500 suggests an error on the server-side. In this case this might be the server at the Jwks-uri. What values are you passing to that activity?

For finding more information on the errormessage, add Errorhandling on the Java activity and a errorhandler-path having an end-event. Set a breakpoint on the end-event and checkout the latestError. 


I had (and sometimes still have ) this error as well; turned out that my laptop’s clock and the server clock weren’t running synchronised; adding a couple of seconds to the Leeway of the DecodeAndVerifyJWT java action fixed this issue for me most of the time… until the server clock was corrected :)
