upgrading studio pro

Not sure I understand the subtleties of upgrading studio pro.  I know that if I create a project with a version, then that project can not be opened by a previous version. So that instance of studio pro needs to be upgraded. A project created with a previous version (eg 9.10) has to be converted to work with a later version of studio pro. And installing a later version of studio pro results in having more than one version of studio pro on the machine with multiple menu entries. It all seems rather messy. Are they gotchas that I am missing?
2 answers

Hi John,

This is just the way it is. A new Studio Pro version does not require you to upgrade an existing project per se (note that it takes time to regression test these endeavours each time). In my opinion you choose a Mendix version (eg 9.10) and keep on using that untill there is some need to upgrade (reasons could vary). 

Kind regards,



any screenshot?
