Unable to write to form

This is regarding the "Create an App with Advanced Page Building" course.but I have had similar results on other Mendix Academy courses. When I come to test this course in production, I log in via the sign in form with the MxAdmin user, switch to the demo admin user, and find the create user form is uneditable. Going to a field gives a stop cursor. Though weirdly the password field is open for text. Why are text fields not editable in a form? The editability of the form is default. What on earth have I done wrong? looking at other courses that I have completed, the problem seems to be any fields associated with Account in administration.
2 answers

I think you should check the access rights of the Admin User. 


So it now works!?!
I changed a microflow that is called on the new user button. And I looked at but did not change any security settings.
Not sure why it is now working.
This is on the app that uses generalisation for extending the account.
Will try the association approach later as that also blocked account fields from being updated.
