Rich Text Module - links dont work

I’m using the Rich Text module, disabling the “sanitize content" settings and adding links. I’ll set  “” as the link and I’ve tried various targets: new window, parent, etc.   The resulting HTML makes the link LOOK like a link. If I view the source, it certainly is a valid a href. But clicking on it doesn’t do anything.   Does anyone know if this module disabled links and just forgot to put it in the documentation?  
3 answers

Hi Brian,

What widget are you using for displaying the link?

Kind regards,



I use this widget in my most recent app. Whether I disable or enable sanitizing, I get exactly the same result:


Above I save the link and below is the result I get on the page:



If I click the link, I will be visiting the page as it should be. So support for links is definitely working.



This issue is still not resolved in version 2.1.6.

Whatever target preferences are specified for the link; they are lost upon saving.
