Mendix Service Console runs but wont show

I am (at the moment !) deploying a based application on my production server (64bits windows) Followed all the steps on part 1 of the deployment How To, so far so good Step 2 requires me to start the console. When I run the Console.exe I get a "do you want to run" , I say "yes" and see something happening and after that flash notthing, no console to configure Taskmanager DOES show "service" running
4 answers

You have to start Mendix Service Console.exe instead of Console.exe. Do you have .NET 3.5 installed on this machine? If not, the application will not start. Download .NET 3.5 here


Yes there are two things. When you start the console, you should give the right locations of your mendix app. Then the console should load all the application constants. You have to fill these constants from your local modeler. Otherwise you'll get errors during the start of the application.

Then there is a problem which is not stated in the documentation. You have to copy the contents of your userlib directory to the \Application\model\lib. Do not use the userlib folder, just copy the files in that folder into the lib folder.


We will check the documentation for the windows deployment today, since there have been raised quite a few questions about this subject since 2.5.

So please report any other inconsistencies here!


The documentation was checked, and no errors could be found while deploying an application using the instructions given.

However, some updates were made to the documentation to cover some potential problems users might encounter during deployment and which were not sufficiently explained before.
