reverse 1 to many association when marketplace entity involved

I have a one to many association between two entities. Is there a way to reverse the association via properties? If both entities are in the domain model then the child is the entity where drawing the association starts from. But if it is betwen a local (to the domain model) entity and a marketplace entity then the local entity is the child and I want that to be the parent. Which means drawing the association from the marketplace entity. Which is not visible. So hopefully this is a “obvious when you know” type question.
1 answers

Is there a way to reverse the association via properties? No, only by deleting the original association and creating a new association. As you also state.

Reading your comment, I think you are trying to draw an association to module System. Correct? In module System you cannot make any change and as a result System/User does not allow a *-1 nore a 1-1 association. Only a 1-* association from System.User to any other entity outside of module System.
