Mendix 4.8.9 to mendix 5.21.2

Hi, im migrating my old app from 4.8.9 to 5.21.2. Locally i can run it but when i try to deploy to sandbox i can see the following logs: 13:50:33 APP INFO Started Mendix Cloud Foundry Buildpack 13:50:34 APP WARNING Runtime is being started in Development Mode. Set DEVELOPMENT_MODE to "false" (currently "true") to set it to production. 13:50:34 APP INFO S3 config detected, activating external file store 13:50:34 APP INFO Successfully updated backup service 13:50:34 APP INFO Trying to start the MxRuntime... 13:50:34 APP INFO Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128M; support was removed in 8.0 13:50:38 APP INFO Logging: Logging to file: /home/vcap/app/log/out.log, max size: 2048KiB, max rotation: 10 13:50:38 APP INFO Core: Mendix Runtime 5.21.2 (build 6310). Copyright © 2003-2015 Mendix bv. All rights reserved. 13:51:00 APP ERROR Executing start did not succeed: result: 3, message: The database has to be updated. (9119 database change queries needed) 13:51:00 APP INFO ConnectionBus: Executing 9119 database synchronization command(s)... How can i start a new clean database? At least i guess its and error in there. Or do you guys see anything else what can cause to problem? Kind regards, Sonny
2 answers

Hi Sonny,

Have you tried to make a new configuration locally and run with that configuration? This will create a new clean database.


Send Mendix a ticket to release the Sandbox. Once that is done, re-deploy to sandbox with the updated App.
