Yearwise Date filtering

Hi,  I have some data record from year 2018 to 2022. I want to sorting/ filtering that data yearwise like FY19-20 then FY20-21 and FY21-22. like below screenshot.  but i have used data picker like screenshot 3 and i have used microflow like SS 2. can i do that without using date picker? and how? can anybosy tell me logic?
1 answers

Hello Zia Sayyad

There are numerous way to achieve this filteration without the use of Date Picker. As per the screenshots you have shown of the expected UI, you can make the filters as buttons which would be storing the values of start date and end date in a wrapper/helper entity and you can then use this to apply your filter. It would be a bit difficult to explain in texts but I will give a try.


You have the following Ui with 3 buttons


On Click of Button 1 (FY 20-21), you can call a microflow to set the FromDate as 01-04-2020 and ToDate as 31-03-2021 (Assuming your financial year is from Apr-Mar) and then you can retrigger your Data Source microflow which you have already build. It will filter and show you the trading list of only the selected financial year.


Hope this helps. Incase if this answer helped you in figuring out the solution to your problem, do mark the answer as “Accepted” which helps others to find out the answers faster. :)
