Disable language in app.

Hi, Working on a multilingual app and we want to disable one of the languages (temporarily). As far as I know, we can only delete the complete language in the app, but that is one step too far. Is there a way to (temporarily) disable a app language? (no problem to re-deploy for this). Or should I copy the language files (translations.properties.xxx), then delete the language. When we want the language to be active again, paste the old language files (and add the missing “new” translations)? Sven.
1 answers

Hi Sven,

I don’t know if there is an official way to solve your problem, but I had something in mind. Let me explain maybe it will solve your problem.

Add a new language that was not added before, and move all the texts from the one that you want to disable temporarily to the one created newly. There is no one with this language in your app before, so It should not be a problem with your existing users. Now you have the backup, you can restore your data any time you want.

“Language Batch Translate” could be a second option. Let’s say you support English and French lang in your app, and you want to disable French. Using batch translation, you can select English as a Source Language and French as a Destination, and export all your text translations to an excel document. Then you can delete the French language, and use the excel document to import it whenever you want to activate the French language.

I hope these methods work for you.

Kind Regards,

