button language selector

Dears, Please Help me solve my problem, it is urgent and taking too much time with no solution so far. It is been 2 weeks since I am trying to replace the drop down menu of the Market place language selector by a link that changes the language with its name on click. But all my trials have failed so far. Please help. original language selector is :  I want my selector to look like this:  and on click it should become:             ENGLISH   original selector is a snippet calling a microflow: DS_LanguageSelector that looks like this: and on selecting a value from the dropdown menu, it calls a nanoflow switchLanguage1 that looks like this:which also calls the SUB_SwitchLanguage microflow as it is: Now my problem is that I need to build a Microflow that replaces the manual selection of a language from the drop down menu and then calls above nanoflow switchLanguage1 in order to change the language. What I did is: 1- replace the original drop down menu snippet:  with this one:noting that the microflow DS_LanguageSelector_2 is the same as the above mentioned DS_LanguageSelector. 2- on click I am calling the nanoflow that I have have built and called switchLanguage_2 that should include the logic that replaces the manual selection of a language from the dropdown menu and then calls the original above nanoflow switchLanguage1:the behavior I am getting is: on click nothing changes. but wen I place this new link next to the drop down menu on the same page, when I choose a language from the drop down menu, the link of this new language selector changes its value and then I click it and it works and changes the language of the app. So far, I am failing to replace the manual selection from the original drop down menu by a microflow….. Can anyone help? could anyone who succeeded to build a on click language selector to share his recipe? I really appreciate any suggestion. thanks in advance. 
2 answers

Hi Kindly refer this flow

In language batch translate Arabic to English set arabic value




thank you so much for your help. You made my day.

For those who are struggling to find help like I was, Here how my working microflow became:
