Pro install error

Error while installing Mendix Studio Pro on Windows 10. Can someone help me what i’m missing here. Do i need to open any specific outbound network . 
1 answers


You need to enter the proxy settings of the network you are in. 


Here is the version 8 picture of the place where to enter them while opening Studio Pro. In version 9 it looks similar.

In our corporate network the version of the proxy server and Mendix were not compatible and I had to find another proxy (apart from the default proxy) to get it working.

In the end, I created a batch file that (temporary) edits the proxy registry settings in Windows. I run it just before opening Studio Pro. I can mail the batch to you if you leave me your contact details (

You might have similar problems calling REST services and using tools like Postman. For that the batch also works. But first try setting the proxy settings like mentioned here: (Advanced tab)


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