OQL SQL UPPER question

Hi Everyone,   Any one know how to use UPPER() with OQL   SELECT ID, to_Upper(FirstName), LastName FROM Sales.Customer WHERE Name LIKE 'M%'   or   SELECT ID, to_Upper(FirstName), LastName FROM Sales.Customer WHERE  UPPER(Name) LIKE 'MARK%'   Like above statements.. those are not working
1 answers

The OQL documentation is here 

OQL Operators | Mendix Documentation, please review it.

there is no support for and upper/lower operator.  

However there is some good news, the LIKE operator is not case sensitive so..

SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName FROM Sales.Customer WHERE  Name LIKE 'MARK%'   ( or ‘%mark%’ ) 

matches a Firstname of “Mark”, “MARK”, “mark” , “MArk” etc…

try it out.. 

Hope that helps.
