File not found error in Deeplink implementation.

Hi, I have a scenario where the link to open a particular page should be present in the email. I have implemented this using deeplink in mendix. But, when I try open the hyperlink in the email, it gives error 404. Implementation Steps: 1. Added StartDeeplink in the Startup microflow. ​​​​​​​2. Added role based navigation with the help of DeeplinkHome microflow. 3 . Added security. ​​​​​​​4. Added deeplink overview or configuration page for the setup. Additionally, got the environment details using DTAP and changed the value of attribute Link (stores the URL) in the following way: Also created placeholders.
2 answers

You have a double forward slash in the url. Try to compose the url like this:
$applicationurl + ‘link/request’ + $request/requestnumber

without the / before the link  (or check if the $applicationurl ends with an / and depending on the outcome add the / or skip it)


  • Did you configure the deeplink (in the runtime) (give it a name like request, select the microflow for handling the url request)
  • How does the URL look like (that you tested)
  • Can you provide more info (like logging?, screenshots of the deeplink configuration, and deeplink microflow)