How to make background image be recognized from the theme resource module?

So currently the way I managed to put a background image into my app is the following way:   I have a custom variable which points to the svg image in the current directory (Because when the files get compiled mendix places the images found in the theme directory in the current directory of file sources)     This custom variable is used in a class which is applied in the layout that is used on all pages. Everything works fine I can see the background:   However, I would like to know if there s any better way to implement this, or a better way to practice these kind of things.   I tried to do everything in the themesource folder. By this I mean that I added the image to the newly created style module    and I tried to reference it in this directory but as you see, it does not exist there   But as you can see it is not working well
2 answers

Hi Marcian,

You need to keep all the resources  in projectname/themesource/modulename/public

Please refer below link for your reference-

Hope it helps you



Hi Marcian,

Its good practice to create a UI resource module for your custom styling/branding guidelines.

There you can add your resources to the UI resource module/public folder, which contents will be available in the deployment folder.

Check out this medium article with step-by-step explanation:
