Need to show list of cases under particular entity

Hello, There is scenario like there multiple entities and under each entity there are some cases. Requirement is list of entity should display and on selection of entity, all the cases inside it should  display. For displaying entity, I am using data grid, able to select the entity (one/multiple) but not sure how to display cases under selected entity.  Please help me out. Its urgent   Thanks...
3 answers

To display entity , use list view . Inside list view use group box to display values of an entity. Inside the group box widget, use one more list view to show cases associated with entity.


Hi Trishla,

In this case I would place two datagrids on the page next to each other.

The first one being the datagrid with entities you already have.

The other one you set to show cases, but as a datasource you set listen to widget. This datagrid will now show the cases associated with the selected entity in the first datagrid. Alternatively you can use a listview instead of the second datagrid, depending on what you want to achieve.

Hope this helps!


