Change the title

how can i change the title from mendix to other title like DXC or infosys.
2 answers

Hi Sattu Lahari,
There are two ways you can achieve this. 
1 (Simple way). Enable Anonymous user and create a custom login page and style your login page accordingly.

Follow the academy link to create your Custom login page : CustomLoginPage

2. You can directly Customize in yourlogin.html page.

  • In Studio click Project->’Show Project Directory in Explorer’
  • go to directory ‘resources’
  • open login.html

You can customize this as you like. You will see the loginpage’s logo has class ‘loginpage-logo’ and there will be a path specified in it. You can go to theme->Web and paste you logo there.  Now go to your Login.html page and change the url path under the div containing loginpage-logo class. 

For your reference :

You can always right-click inspect and hover the logo, it will show the class.  

Hope this helps!!


You can modify Navigation Menu and the icon app
