After making changes to domain model old data is not accepting new changes.

Hello All, I was having few existing entities and relations and i deployed the app on cloud and created some data on cloud. After that i added few new relations (associations) to existing entities and again deployed the app. Again i tried to change old data with new relations but my old data with new relation is not getting saved.  If I will create whole new data then its working but old data with new relation is not getting saved.  Tried with mxModelReflection to update the modules. But facing same issue. Can somebody please help.
2 answers

Make sure you are creating object for the associated entity and committing it.


When adding new associations between existing entities, means adding new optional associations between objects.

If you have existing data which is associated to each other using the old association, when adding new associations WON'T be populated automatically with associations from the old associations. If you want that, then you need to convert your existing data.

Retrieve the owning entity, iterate over the returned list and set the new association according to the old association.
