Missing system error message in translation

I'd like to translate below 3 error messages specified in the validation rules of System.User into other language in version but I cannot find them in batch translation. Kindly check and advise how to solve this problem. This user name is already in use 2. The user name cannot be empty 3. The password cannot be empty
2 answers

You can find these validation rules in module system and then in the domain module. However, in you can't edit the rules. Try to add a validation rule for the name attribute in the account object in the administration module. Adding the validation rule seems to be fine. But I didn't tested the actual message in deployment, so you could give it a try.

The account object inherits the system.user object and I didn't tested it, but this validation rule should overwrite the default system.text. Because you can't edit the system.user, you have to edit the administration.account object.


It seems that they are indeed not translatable, can you file a bug report?
