row ownership

Hi can i allow my external app users to log in and only see their profile date (row?) and not any of the other data and to be able to update their data. The users are freelancers, who need to create a profile (or have in the case of existing users) and to be able to securely log in view and edit their data, and not view and edit the data of any other freelancer user.   Not sure if row ownership is the correct term, just that i have checked out glide apps and they offer this feature and call it row ownership Kind regards
2 answers


by enabling anonymous user role you can allow new users to register them self.


-Create a registration page with anonymous user role.

-map non persistable entity and get the user information in that.

-in save microflow map that details in account entity.

-Using MyAccount page user can modify there own data.




Hey there,

what you can do is the following:

  • in the domain model, go to your entity (profile)
  • Within the entity properties, go to access rules
  • Here you can add a rule for the user role that the users have with a Xpath constraint
    • Here you can set the constraint to either [id = %currentuser%] or an association to their account
    • This limits the user to only information that is linked to their account

do make sure that the information is connected to the account of the user
