Unable to add an attribute to an entity

In the Mendix Rapid Developer course (section 4.3.1), I am not able to add new attributes to the entity I created. I was able to only add the first attribute in the List View, while I need to add three more attributes. However, when I click on Add field in the Content box, the system adds more attributes to the same row as shown below
1 answers

Hi Ibrahim Aly,

List view will show list of objects from an entity,that means in the above mentioned picture have three rows represents three objects and that will increase when Load more option is clicked

You have successfully added three attributes(Title,Duration,Price).If you want Title,Duration,Price on next by lines then make the Alignment to left  by adding the text widgets to each of the attribute.

If you added the attributes via ADD ATTRIBUTE button then its means appending the attributes on the displayed text

If you want to add new attributes to the entity in Studio then you must add the new attribute in Domain Model

Hope this helps!



