Deeplink redirecting to log in page

Hi all,    We use Single Sign on for users that employees of our company, however for external temporary users we have them set up their own accounts and use the app’s login page rather then use Single Sign on.    Once they have been added they get a unique deeplink URL which, if they are accessing for the first time triggers a microflow which sets up their account and permission, then redirects them to a page to set a password.   The users were getting sent straight to the login.html page, (not even our custom login page with the forgotten password link). Using the debugger I was able to follow what microflows are triggered.   As they are still an anonymous user the trigger the Anonymous home page microflow   The deeplink used exclusive path goes done the ‘true’ path as expected. Which tells me deeplink has been successful and it should now redirect the user to the page. However they get the login page, sometimes when the internet is slow it seems like the password page does show but the app auto redirects to the login page.  The password setting page has permissions that allow anonymous users, I am not sure why the app redirects to the login page. 
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