How to get the limits of my current license?

Hi. I received and installed the license keys from Mendix to run on-premises. There’s a test robot that creates a session for each test and eventually it fails to login with: the current license does not allow more users to sign in. I checked the logs of the app and it only prints the license expiration date. I want to know how many active sessions are allowed and what are the other limits.   According to the admin page there are only 7 active sessions when the error happens. Here’s the log message:   app.level WARN app.message Maximum number of sessions exceeded! (You are currently using a trial license) app.message_ts 2022-07-08T10:35:39.637Z app.prefix Core  
2 answers

When running on windows you will see the license information when updating the license key.

OR you just base64 decode the license key – don’t do that with an online service though :) - It contains a JSON with these details.

regards, Fabian


Hi Ilaya,

For licensed app user limits where unlimited please check the application logs or post the application logs otherwise contact mendix support team.
