Im trying to display offers on my shop page but they dont get reflected over there

At the moment I'm creating an application in which I can add offers and shops. Now I'd like to display the offers that are related to a shop on a 'front end page' specially created for this shop. The problem is that I can't get the offers displayed on the page. I can only display content directly related to the shop entity. Next to this I'm trying to display profile information above the shop description about the user who's responsible for finding offers for this shop page. I've currently used several nested data views to display the content. Shop page front end: Underneath The subtitle the offers should appear. Domain Model: Shop page in the modeller: I'm looking forward to the answer! Best Regards, Daan
1 answers

Now I'd like to display the offers that are related to a shop on a 'front end page' specially created for this shop

You mentioned that you want to view the offers related to a shop, but from what I can understand from your model it looks like the current shop can only be linked to 1 offer. Is there a specific reason why ShopOffer is a 1 to * ? because if you do change the relation you could add a templetegrid or a list view inside the shop dataview that uses the association ShopOffer, and your offers will be visible.

hope I understood your question, and hope this helps
