Moving pictures in Carousel

Hello everyone,  I’m using Carousel for pictures in my app and I have there currently 3 pictures and it works just fine. However, I would like the pictures to be moving automatically. Is there any way how to do that?  Thank you! 
4 answers

Hi Tina!


Are you using the Carousel widget from the Mendix Appstore? (This one)
I've just tried setting it up and for me it automatically goes through my pictures.
I have a table with productpictures as a datasource for the Carousel. 

In the general settings from this carousel widget you can configure the delay, autoplay, pagination etc. (see below)


If you are still stuck, please share some pictures of the settings or of the widget that you are using.


Good luck!


Do you have autoplay on?

Do you get your pictures from the database directly?

Maybe you can look in the documentation of the widget, (here)

I did notice that when you click on the dots to jump to an image, that it stops scrolling through, maybe that's part of you issue?


Hi, thank you very much for your answer and yes, I’m using that one however, I need to click on the picture to make it change… 


Hi Tina,

In the same carousel widget by using on click event you can add the fuctionality.
