Deep link with parameters?

Hello, everyone, I need some help regarding the following scenario: An admin needs to be able to invite a user into the app. The admin is using an invitation form in which he is typing the email of the user who should be invited. When the admin type the email of the invited user and click on the Invite button, the invited user will receive an invitation email with a link to a register page where he can register a new account with providing his desired username and password. I am going to provide the link to the register page as a deep link. However, in the register page the invited user needs to provide only a username and password in order to register. The email should be applied automatically.  How can I configure the deep link to keep details about the invited user’s email? 
1 answers

You can do this by creating an invitation entity with a UUID (String) and email attribute.
The UUID uniquely identifies the invitation and can be generatd using the RandomHash java action of Community Commons.
Use the UUID in the deeplink to retrieve the invitation object with the corresponding email address.
