Extract the data from excel and import in drop down

I have one excel sheet with data which cointionus TITLE , PRICE and Duration. In mendix course new_edit page i have one from which cointionus TITLE , PRICE and Duration all this field are drop down. so the data in excel should be in the drop down. and using Title and duration it should calculate the price. if we add new data in excel it should automatically update the data in the drop down list in mendix. And we tried this-https://docs.mendix.com/howto/integration/importing-excel-documents/ but we did not get any result.   Thanks & regards Shofia Muthuraj.
2 answers

Hi Shofia,
Adding data in excel you mean Importing into Mendix ? 



Hi Shofia Muthuraj,

As you said you want the data drom excel into mendix dropdown. directly its not possible . you need to create one entity and store your data in that entity and associate that entity to your main entity where you want to display the dropdown.

and if you want do any changes their then on click perdorm any action as you want.


Hope it helps!

