Link object to current user

Hi! I'm quite new to Mendix and at the moment i'm building a library app.      In my domain model I created an entity User with generalization Administration.Account. In the app I made a page where all the books are shown, and as a user, I want to make a reservation on a book. I have a button in the details page of the book, which calls the following microflow to create a reservation: I also have an overview page with reservations. But whenever I run and test my app, the FullName is somehow empty. What I want of course is to show which user made the reservation. Can someone tell me what's going wrong? I hope my question is clear. Thanks so much in advance!
5 answers

Hi Saskia,

in retrieve activity  retrieve from account entity and select range as first  and  xpath constraint = [id=$currentUser]




Hi Saskia,

Why cant you Have association between reserving and account

You can retrieve from account and have id=current user

If you get any error, please post it here 



Hi Saskia Harmsen,


First, you should configure the administration overview page for mx admin
then add the users based on the user role


Note: Remove the current user to your microflow



Hi Saskia ,

Make sure if you have full name(from Account Entity) specified for that User.

Hope this helps!


Hi Saskia,


Administrator.Account access rules might not allow you to read the value, if you logged in as a admin user you should be able to see that.

To show the User who reserved a book you need to overwrite the access rule from the new generalized entity. I would recommend to create a new attribute in your user entity and copy/assign the value while creating / from the Administrator.Account and add your respective security rules to display for other users.


