If you just use
$String1 + ' ' + $String2
that works OK in a text area. Alternatively, you can create a string variable in your MF and set it to
' '(a carriage return between the quotes), then just insert that string variable wherever you need a line break.
Create HTML objects and use the Rich text suite (app store) to display as a textarea. U can use strings like: "$String1"<"br" />"$Strings2"<" "br" />".
You can use the richtextviewer widget to achieve this behavior as well.
Thank Jacco for the answer. It is really too bad that we cannot use the regular textarea widget, because it is a lot lighter and our customer do not use all styling features from Rich Text Editor.
BTW: the correct syntax was
$String1 + '< br />'+ $String2
Cheers, Panayu
Hi panayu, you should still be able to use linebreaks in a textarea. A user is able to use linebreaks when he fills in a form so you can fake this as well. It might be possible the notation has changed. You can try using \r\n instead of only the \n