: writefrom failed

Hi, I am trying to open the learningNow app from the begginners dev lerning path on my mendix studio pro 9.5.0 I succesfully downloaded it, however I keep getting error CE6093 with the message : “The theme could not be compiled : Error reading [path]\ : WriteFrom failed”   Can you please help me ?   thank you
1 answers



This is most likely caused by an upgrade from a Mendix 8 or lower app that was using Atlas Core 2.


In Mendix 9 you have Atlas 3. If you’re coming from an Atlas 2 app, your theme folder is structured differently.

The Data Widgets app uses the “core” variables from Atlas 3 in it’s styling. The fix for me was changing 1 line in the file themesource > datawidgets > web > main.scss, Line 1:

1 @import "../../../theme/styles/web/sass/main";

Let me know if it helps.

