Few queries regarding Mendix certification

Hello, I am planning to do RAD certification of mendix. Have few queries regarding that:- What kind of questions are there for RAD certification exam? How many questions are there? Are they subjective objective/MCQs ? What is the passing marks? From where can I prepare for that exam so that in one trial I can pass the exam? For giving that exam, do I need to go somewhere or I can give that exam from my home also? Please help me out. And please let me know if there are some other points I need to take care of before/while giving the exam.   Thank you….
2 answers

1) In learning path, filter levels will be there , select rapid there and complete those learning paths. That is enough.

2) MCQ questions: 50 questions

3) overall pass mark is 75%

4) learning path with rapid level is enough

5) you can attend it remotely and there is no time limit, you can pause and continue it on next day


Hope this helps!


Hi Trishla T

Please make sure to complete these Rapid course before taking the exam.


​​​​​​​All the Best!
