progress massage

Hello Mendixers   I want to show a progress massage when I click a container to open a page But in microflow settings i can not see a progress messsae box. is there any slotion for that?   thank you   NOTE: I am not using button to open a page
3 answers


The container does indeed not have that option.
What you could do as a workaround is trigger a nanoflow from that container. In the nanoflow commons module you have a show progress/hide progress activity that shows the progress message and show the page from there.

Hope this helps!


Hi Ablikim,


In your nanoflow call hide progress bar at the end, then progress bar will be disappeared.


Hi Ablikim,


you can use a nanoflow and use show progress bar and hide progress bar in the start and end of the nanoflow. As identifier you can use any string you want as long as it’s the same. Try ‘test’.


In the middle of the nanoflow between the progressbar actions you can call the microflow.
