Vendor Lock In with Mendix

Hi!  We have an issue with this claim. We have an MVP that we built with Mendix using the free and Basic license that we present to get investment.  We need to be able to prove that we are not locked in to the platform as that can be treated as a red flag for tech investors.  “By using the Mendix SDK, you can generate Java classes or SQL DDL statements from your domain models or Java code from your microflows. This means you can convert your models to any technology stack you wish.”  Following the only documentation that i could find using the SDK (Link here) The code generated is completely useless and generates just a mendix app, this means that the app is still locked in and the work done can’t be exported to any other technology.  Is there more documentation regarding this ? We’re having trouble finding resources that confirm this claim.  Thank you,  
2 answers

The claim is that Mendix has no vendor lock-in for the data and the models. There is no claim for the applicationcode itself.

How that claim is executed in practice is:

  1. following the doc you found: “Generate Code from the Model”. This gets you the javascript that contains the model.
  2. Modify it to create the model in your database
  3. Import a downloaded backup into your database

Step 2 is already a hell of a job, and there is no template or example how to do that.


And then there is the application itself. You will have to manually write and/or refactor it by yourself. There is no tooling to convert a microflow, or any other documenttype, to Java, .Net etc.

And then there is the issue of the association tables. You will have to convert them to regular associations.


So technically there is indeed no lock-in. Data and model are always available to you. But there is no ‘Convert-to-.Net-application’.


Frankly, I am hoping that some one who has actually moved away from a Mendix app will step in. And that person will share his experience on how it is done, the hurdles that had to get taken and the tools that are available and can be used.


Once you decide to use low code, you are moving away from traditional coding. It is not make sense to reverse back to traditional coding, the cost to reverse back is always higher then maintanance one.
