Kiosk Applications in Mendix

Hello,   We have a requirement to develop an application for Kiosk Machine. As per our initial analysis – the Kiosk apps can be developed as a standalone application for windows OR a mobile app for Android or iOS that will run on an iPad or tablet device OR a browser based application.   I would like to hear from members on this forum– if anyone has developed any such app using Mendix and if Mendix would be the right fit for our requirement.   Regards, Johnson.
2 answers

I'm not an expert by any means, but depending on the requirements you can tell if Mendix is a good fit. If you don't mind sharing some, the real experts can tell you if Mendix is a good option :-)


If the Kiosk machine has access to the internet, you could run a browser based version. Running locally might be a problem, because of the limited runtime you have on a local machine (no license and therefore the application shuts down every few hours)




Hi Johnson,


Again I am not an expert however just an idea you can think of a microservice architecture i.e.( data driven or event driven) design where you have to connect multiple application via REST protocol or Event driven M-services for invoices , storage etc. again for performance analysis and integration you can do some initial research . 


Hope this helps .


