Provide Access rule from frontend

Hi,   I have created an app that has three roles in which one is the super user and the others are simple users. I want that super user will give access to pages and microflow to different simple users from the frontend. Is it possible? If yes, how can I do this?   Thanks and Regards, Harshraj Singh
3 answers

Hi Harshraj,

It is possible to have that but not advisable. You can have read, write booleans listed out for other users and you should handle these with visibility for read rights and editability for write rights.


Hope this helps!


Hello Harshraj,

I assume that you enabled Security, added different User Roles and you have a user entity that is a generalization of System.user

To solve the problem, you can make an overview page for your Super user

In the overview page 

  • Add a Data Grid that shows all the users
  • Let the Edit button show an edit page

In that edit page 

  • Add an Input Reference Set Selector so that the super user can add/remove roles to/from the selected user


*Make sure only the super user has access to those two pages.

*And give entity access to the Super user to Read/Write simple users.

Hope this helps


Hi Rishi/Khaled,


I want this security setting that is present in Studio pro (Security). I want to give access to pages/microflow to user roles from UI.



Is this possible?


Thanks and Regards,

Harshraj Singh
