Why when trying to Push, I have to Update and download all the commits of my colleagues?

I have a question about how Commit, Update and Push now works in Mendix 9.12.4.   I regularly encounter a situation where I make a commit and then try to do a Push - instead I get a message that I have to do an Update, after which I get changes from my colleagues' commit. I don't understand why I get their changes and why each of us can't push our changes separately.   So I have a question: What should be the workflow, the order of using Update, Commit and Push for the development team? And how to avoid situations when I can't do a Push because I have to download the commits of my colleagues?
3 answers

What should be the workflow, the order of using Update, Commit and Push for the development team?

Start of your workday: Update.

After having finished a relevant or all of your development:

  • first Update, if errors occured, talk to your collegue and together solve the errors.
  • commit and push (the only reason for not also pushing is: ‘I have no connection to the Teamserver’)

And how to avoid situations when I can't do a Push because I have to download the commits of my colleagues?

You can avoid those situations  by having a good team-alignment about who is working on what part of the application and thus prevent two persons working on the same documents. Or if they do: inform each other about the pushed changes.


Merge conflicts are not a bad thing. It just happens when you have a team working hard at the same codebase. 


This is default action added to keep application updated with the latest version in Team Server (Repository).

It is right way to avoid Merge Conflicts before committing the new version. 

Please refer to the Version Control Doc. for more details.


Hi Maxim,

Are you using Team Server or different version control server like Git Hub. Currently we are working with Git server and here we have to commit our changes as well as other commits that happened before.


If there are previous commits that we didn’t update our app with and if we have changes we have to commit our code first and it won’t be pushed till we take update and resolve conflicts(if any) and commit again the updates

Also if we have changes locally, its not possible to update app before committing first
