Mendix Studio Pro 9.16.1/Make It Native 9-Todays New Goody

Update 2022-08-23 01:04 CDT Issue resolved an hour later after reload of Studio Pro and I’m not the only one reporting some kind of perceived outage not communicated.  Platform needs to be high availability/fault tolerant.  It was just after 23:00 (GMT+2) which could have been a normal planned outage window but was not communicated if it was or just some other unknown cause. --------------------------------- Mendix Studio Pro 9.16.1/Make It Native 9-Today's New Goody Email functionality fails where there was no change in process/logic. reports "All Systems Operational" Host Error: An error occurred while executing On change at LogIn.LogIn_40_Register_Verify_Email.textBox7: Internal server error Nanoflow stack:  "Call microflow: EmailCustom.SendRegistrationVerificationEmail" in nanoflow "EmailCustom.SendRegistrationVerificationEmailNanoflow" Current page: LogIn.LogIn_40_Register_Verify_Email Stack: A@ f@ k@ x@ callImmediates@ value@ value@ value@ value@[native code] value@[native code] Client: ERROR An error occurred, please contact your system administrator? What Error? What Administrator me or mx?
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