Nanoflow Retrieve By Association For NP Object Call Goes to Server Unnecessarily

Hi I am currently facing one issue as below. My App uses only NP Non-Persistent Entities. Now in a nanoflow when I use retrieve by association activity for NP object, Mendix creates a xas request in network tab of Browsers debugging tools. This xas request means a call was made to the server.   Now my Issue with this xas call is that it’s sends all the associated NP objects along with this xas request to server hence this makes this server call slow. However this call is not required as I want to retrieve NP Object with is already present on client side.   Any Idea on how I can prevent this behaviour?
1 answers

 Hi Ravi, 
As from  mendix7 , the platform start usages a serverless architecture, No longer NPE's  can just live in the server’s memory ,
 what if the next request ended up being served by a different runtime instance? so they had to be included in each request.
 You can go through

 also there is a old thread about this topic


Hope it helps.



