Can not reach application through URL

I followed the Deployment instructions to the letter, and have no problems accessing the application from localhost:8082 My Tech-crew has set up the DNS and added a header-record to the IIS ?? Also they tell me they changed the port to 80 ?? My guess is that either (or both) these changes block me from gettin to my application using the URL? but which one ??
5 answers

Looks like an issue in your firewall settings.


Does IIS have any logs that show how the requests are being routed and any errors that it encounters when trying to pass the request to the runtime?


Thats a hard question to answer remotely ;-).

Changing the trigger port to 80 is no problem, as long as xas/* requests are still forwarded to your 8082 port. That should be achieved using rewrite rules in IIS.


I still think I am doing "stuff" wrong when deploying, but I now am at least gettin my application visible online in our "own" cloud.

Points of notice:

  • the user you use in deploying the application should just be part of the USERS group, anything else and it wont go
  • make sure that the MIME settings in ALL the parts of IIS are set correctly

I cant answer myself here can I ? Ahh I guess I can 9-)

Right an update on the issues after a very helpfull session with Mendix

  • make sure the user you created to run the service has basic (USER) rights on the application folders. Then make VERY sure that you have WRITE rights on stuff like the LOG, TMP and FILES
  • if you run a 64 bits server and 64 bits be aware

integrated security op een 64-bits server, maar ik meen me te herinneren dat het te maken heeft met welke dll je moet gebruiken. Deze site zegt daar iets meer over:

Ik denk dat het vooral om deze “note” gaat: If you are running a 32-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM), use the sqljdbcauth.dll file in the x86 folder, even if the operating system is the x64 version. If you are running a 64-bit JVM on a x64 processor, use the sqljdbcauth.dll file in the x64 folder. If you are running a 64-bit JVM on a IA-64 processor, use the sqljdbc_auth.dll file in the IA64 folder.

  • when running through IIS dont forget to add the MIME-type
  • and especialy dont forget to add the index.html header