Move the data from one page to another page

Hi, I’m creating to-do task app...I have a page1(i.e.,View task) where i can view all the to-do task that i created...I have a button there(i.e., mark as complete) so if i click on that button, specified task must go to page2(i.e., completed task page) Can anyone help me with this?
3 answers

Hi Sangeetha,

create a enumaretion as Status and use to values todo and completed based put the default value as TO DO then create two pages where in the first page use a datgrid or listview for that use the datasource as Xpath and add the constraint like [status=’To Do’] and for the second page [status=’completed’] the button which you are placing in the todo page needs to call a microflow where you need to change the enum of particular attribute to completed using the change object.

try out this it will fulfill your requirement.


Attar Dasthagir


Hi Sangeetha,


You can make enumeration with values like TO DO, In progress, completed and on click of your button “Mark as complete” write a microflow logic to change enum value from “To Do” to completed then  you can apply condition in xpath of page accordingly to show only completed task in 1 page.


Hope it helps!




what about having the second page with a page parameter data view. in side that data view u can design the UI for preffered operation. So now if you have button which does something[put that in a microflow may be change object ] and then go to this 2nd page [through show page activity.
