SAML Metadata

Hi,   I want to use AWS Cognito as IDP using SAML in the Mendix application.   For this, it needs metadata at both ends i.e at the AWS end and the Mendix end. From where I can download metadata for the Mendix application    And I have downloaded metadata of AWS Cognito userpool but at the time of importing it is showing an error Logs-- 11:46:30 AMAPPERRORIdPMetadata_Refresh: Unable to extract IdP information from the filedocument. 11:46:30 AMAPPERRORIdPMetadata_Refresh: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: The XML could not be parsed. Content is not allowed in prolog.
1 answers

from saml configration page u can download the metadaya xml of ur app.u just need to give current url an some details of ur app


