Single sign on with SAML module in combination with custom domain

Hi, We already have some experience with single sign on with the SAML module/adfs and this works fine with some applications. Now we have a new application where we want to use sso, but we configured a custom domain for this application. We already changed the ApplicationRootUrl custom runtime setting, but we get the following error in the browser: Unable to validate the SAML message! Looks like we need to something extra when using a custom domainname instead of the default url? Anyone an idea or experience? Regards, Giel
2 answers

Hi Giel,


Application root url in the custom runtime settings must end with a trailing slash ("/") . 


You can also search for similar questions in old forum threads, Let me know if it helps.




I am not sure about the setting you have thr but after setting up the custom domain u need to regenerate the SP metadata with custom domain URL and configure it in SAML tool.

U can install the saml tracer plugin and try to see what that tells you when you are hitting single sign on.
